Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thankful Thursday: Baking Soda...and grace.

I'm really into baking has so many cool uses. I bake with it, clean with it, bath my girls in it, put it in the I often have a box of it sitting in various places around the house. In fact, one has a permanent home in the bathroom upstairs. I was a little surprised today to find that box empty...this is not a little box...this is the big box variety. Not only was the box empty, but the bathroom floor was not. I'll let you picture it. Little white footprints led from the bathroom into the girls bedroom....niiiice. I wasn't happy, but the footprints were pretty cute.
After sending the three-year-old culprit to sit on her bed to wait for me, I cleaned up the mess and gave myself some time to figure out how I was going to handle this. When I walked into her room and started the questions she answered in her sweet 3-year-old dialect, "I wanted to be a big girl but I had an accident and I spilled it." That was the first real discipline "talk" she and I have had together. I did not talk to her, I talked with her. I mean, my little one really has become a big girl, she's not a baby anymore. This post really isn't about baking soda (although I still think it's cool stuff), it's about grace and forgiveness and loving a little girl.
I'm thankful that I've learned the biggest lesson of grace...that I can be graceful with myself. I'm not perfect, but I'm growing. I make lots of mistakes, but grace says "Don't wallow...learn!" I don't always handle stressful situations well with my children, but today I did and my daughter experienced forgiveness in the true sense....and her grieving three-year-old heart understood.

This is a spiritual that's meant to stop and consider the mother-heart of God. This is not about punishment, it's about learning. That's what it's all about. Hmmmn. And I'm really thankful for that.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Overheard yesterday as my girls were playing on the livingroom floor:
"No, Sarah, princesses can't marry horses!"
Do you have any favorite halfling quotes?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thankful Thursday: Roller Skates, Snow Shovels and Lentil Soup. happens pretty much every year. I get that blah, sort of uninspired feeling. It lingers, wavering, dodging in and out of my spirit until signs of Spring appear...or by chance something like today happens. And I know that this is my chance to pull myself climb out of this dreary state in an enheartened leap of self-motivation.

I went roller-skating today. Well, really I walked around the roller-rink in soft-soled sneakers helping kindergarteners learn to balance on those tricky little boots with wheels. I held my own daughter's hands and pulled her around on the wooden floor for the first time. I pulled her up when she fell and cheered her on when she bravely set out balancing on her own. The time we spent together was special and we'll both remember it. But the moments of connection and care with many of the other little souls in my daughter's class broadened my heart and made me more certain of the connection we all share on this journey. In Mother Teresa's words, "Children belong to everyone." In the deepest sense, we all belong to each other...and we need each other. There is not a sweeter face than that of a child who senses the genuine care of a kind is also easy to spot the ones who crave that care.

I shoveled snow, too. Some people dread snow-shoveling...but I love it...honest. The cool, crisp air and rewarding exercize is always invigorating. I've never finished shoveling snow without feeling a sense of accomplishment and over-all well-being. Does that sound crazy? This activity not only gives me a physical boost, but I always feel mentally and spiritually refreshed, too. It must be the quiet repetitive nature of it. Today, as I finished shoveling the driveway and sidewalk, a light powdery blanket started to cover the area I had already cleared. I may have looked a little silly out shoveling while more snow was covering my work, but I was reminded of the beauty of repetition in carrying out our daily tasks and finding the holy in the common.

After warming up inside, dinner was calling. The current lack of inspiration has effected me in the kitchen, too. I don't mind cooking so much...I really enjoy it when I actually have a plan and everything I need to execute it. Naturally, I don't dig the clean-up. But tonight sweet Sophie has the symptoms of a cold coming on and one of her favorites is Lentil Stew with Lemon...a simple meal, but perfect winter comfort food with a loaf of crusty fresh bread.

"For all that has been: thanks. For all that will be: yes."
~Dag Hammarskjöld~

Friday, February 02, 2007

Thankful Thursday: Somebody Loves Me

Yes, it's true.

One day I was standing near the computer talking with my sweetheart, and our email alert (a little yapping puppy carrying a letter) came on the the screen. I said, "Let me see if somebody luuuvsme." Now we laugh when or some other thoughtful emailer like iTunes or AllRecipes sends us a message. ebay luuuvsme! Okay, some of you might not think it's that funny. I do. It's funny. But here's my point: Yesterday when I tried to start my Thankful Thursday post, Blogger was inaccessable, I guess the server was down or I didn't get my post done. This morning when I booted up the computer and checked my email I really did get a message from somebody who luuuvsme! The subject line said, "I want my thankful thursday!"

So here it is: I'm thankful for You, Luke. I'm thankful to be loved by you, thankful that you see the authentic me past my outward struggles, and encourage me to keep growing into that person. i love you.