Thursday, October 09, 2008

Thankful Thursday: On Art and Blogging...

Sorry about the blogging hiatus. I've been spending the last month in pursuit of, well, myself. Somewhere around my 34th birthday a disconnect occurred. Whether it was the idea of moving deeper into my thirties, my adorable husband hinting at middle-agedness or the realization that ten years speeds by after you pass your second decade (I mean, I just turned 20, right?)...well whatever, it sent me reeling for a few weeks. I still feel really young. In spite of the fact that my family has grown exponentially by 1 about every 2 years for the past decade, I am reasonably sane and optimistic about life. Most of the time I love being a mother, staying home with my kids and artistic endeavors. However, occasionally something pushes me over the edge (usually it has something to do with the moon phases) and I start to wallow in discontent.

I know you're starting to wonder what this has to do with art and blogging. I'm getting there. It's in the rescue. Sometimes we can willfully pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and sometimes we just need inspiration. Sometimes we need a friend or a word or a kick in the keister. Okay, in desperate situations, a handful of dark chocolate will suffice, but that's only a quick fix. We need each other.

Inspiration. A breath of fresh air. A reminder of who I am, of what sparks that innate flame that is Ruthie. Why am I moved by art? Why am I passionate about waking up and experiencing life? Why is creativity my path? These are the things that I need to come back to, what brings me home. So I wander along the river where I spend my Sunday afternoons, with notebook, i-pod and whatever book I'm ingesting. Then, whether it be some dear friend who feels that same spark or a kindred spirit I don't even know, some one is inspire and to ignite. Wow. You dear ones will never know how I need you... please keep creating, inspiring and living artful lives.

And, impasse cleared, I'm back to blogging, hoping to bring a little inspiration to the world myself. Don't forget to check out A Path To My Woods too, which is basically my blog about the spiritual journey and all the questions and ideas overflowing along the way.

On a side note...if you love Smallville or if you've never seen it, take a minute to check out Allison Mack's blog. I stumbled across it in a moment of fate and have been inspired and encouraged by the heart of this young woman and her passion for art and all things creative and compassionate.

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