Thursday, October 06, 2005

Lesson 2: Listen More, Talk Less

As a zealous, somewhat long-winded 19-year-old, I was given the unexpected opportunity to be camp counselor to a cabin full of teenage girls at a district church camp. Being my enthusiastic self, I was very excited to be well recieved and liked by the girls in my cabin and took every opportunity given to pour out my words of wisdom gained by my few years of life experience. Looking back, I'm guessing that I gained more from my orations than the girls. In fact, I'm willing to bet that I really did take away a greater life lesson than any one of those gals who sat figiting, counting ceiling tiles waiting for me to finish talking.
One young lady in my cabin stood out from among the rest and made a lasting impression on me as a person. One evening as I was out walking by myself she came up to me and asked if she could talk with me. Of course, I was expecting her to ask me advise or something like that. Well, I was surprised when she said to me in a very gentle way, " Ruth, I really like you, but you talk too much. You need to learn when you've said enough." Those may not be her exact words but they were her exact sentiments. Constructive critism is a tough pill to swallow. Having someone point out your faults really hurts. But this young lady, in her boldness and honesty, endeared herself to me forever because of her wisdom and gentleness. Her words opened up a whole new area of growth in me....learning to embrace a gentle and quiet spirit, learning to listen, to think and be wise about my words and to say more by saying less. Thanks, Jill. Your kindness has left an imprint on my life and I can never forget you!


Anonymous said...

Good advice that we could all stand to remember every once in awhile. :)

Ruthie said...

Yes, some of the best advice I have ever recieved!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book! I am looking forward to reading more about it. What a blessing to have such a sweet and responsible boy. You are doing a great job!

Ruthie said...

Hi Christi!

Thanks for commenting. I'm so glad to be in touch with you...really looking forward to keeping up with your life with your blog! (: