Wednesday, April 30, 2008

That's so weird...or The Squirrel Story

I pondered posting this story last week under the title of, Thankful Thursday: Rakes Left Out in a Handy Place. But I decided this one was just too weird to post on TT. In fact, I decided I needed a little time to recoup from this one before writing about it, because I have to admit, it is one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced....and I still feel a little skittish about squirrels.

It happened last Thursday night that our whole family was walking home from a school program that my older two children participated in. (It was really cute by the way...Sophie danced so sweetly and Sam rocked out to the beat standing up on the risers...he was hilarious. I can't wait to get him on the drums :) Anyway, Sam, Sophie, Sarah and myself were walking down the sidewalk, nearly home. Luke (who had the keys in his pocket) and Ruby were lagging behind a couple houses back.

We came upon a neighbor walking his dog...a large dog. As we went to pass, a squirrel came out of nowhere right up to the dog. Normally you would think a dog would start barking and going after the little critter, but that did not happen. The dog backed off, nervously. At first we all kind of laughed, commenting on how we had never seen such a bold squirrel. Then the neighbor, getting nervous about this confrontation between dog and tree-rodent, took off for home. This is when the craziness started. Luke told me later that our neighbor had passed him and said something like, "I've never seen a dog so afraid of a girl" It wasn't until after this weird incident happened that he realized the man had said "squirrel" not "girl."

As our neighbor moved down the street, Luke was still far behind and had no idea what was going on. I shuffled the kids on to the front deck to wait for Luke to unlock the door. The squirrel followed us, jumped on the lattice work and started up the deck. At this point, we were all getting pretty freaked out. We made a break for the back yard. The squirrel chased us all the way back!! Okay, this is really weird, I thought. Since the doors were LOCKED and the keys were in LUKE'S POCKET and he had NO IDEA what was going on, I told the kids to climb up on the swing set platform and grabbed the aforementioned Handy-Rake to fend off this crazy squirrel.
Seriously, picture it....the squirrel is repeatedly coming after me, growling (yes, growling), and trying to get up to the kids, the kids are crying and yelling, I'm fending the critter off with a rake, flipping it into the air a couple of times, trying to retain my composure and comfort the kids. It was insane. My husband, by the way is inside, thinking we had gone out back to play for a while...he did not hear me calling...I was trying not to get the kids too worked up. Finally he comes to the back door to let our little dog out. I'm standing there with the rake, yelling "Get Oliver inside!!!" The kids are crying. The squirrel is attacking. At first Luke thinks I'm making a bigger deal out of the whole thing than necessary, then after a moment's reflection, he realizes...this squirrel is NUTS! (lol) He got the dog in and ran down to the rescue. While Luke took over Handy-Rake duties, I picked up each of the kids separately, running them into the house. When I went to take Sarah, the squirrel was under the back deck stairs, so I made a break for the front door...It took out CHASING us all the way! I put Sarah in and ran back...still chased by the squirrel! I'm thinking of course, "Rabid Squirrel!!!." Finally, we all got in.

We waited a while and Luke took Ollie out to piddle...Rake in hand. Animal Control was closed so I called them the next day and tried to explain this scenario. All I got was,
"That was a mother squirrel. She must have a nest nearby."
I tried again to emphasis the beyond-normal aggressiveness of this squirrel. Nothing...she was entirely unalarmed, uninterested.
"That's what mother's do," she said flatly.
"Ookay, thanks, bye."
Haven't seen the squirrel since...well at least, if we have it was much better behaved. Maybe it was just a really, really, really over-protective mother. We've all met one. I don't know...I'm just sayin'.

All I could think was, "RABIES!!"

It was was really weird.


Stephanie said...

You are such a great writer Ruth! It's like being able to see exactly what happened just by reading your story. I really had to laugh this time, I mean when do things like this really happen. And it's ok to laugh now, no one got hurt and the picture just topped it off!

Kelli said...

Are you kidding me!!!!!
That had to have been totally freaky! I can just see you waving that rake in the air screaming at the crazed squirrel. Oh I feel a belly laugh coming on. Mixed of course with a heavy dose of sympathy. But, holy cow what has the old neighboorhood come to these days.

Ruthie said...

Like I said, this has to be the weirdest thing I have EVER experienced :) At least I got a few good laughs and a great blog post from it! LOL :))

Marianne said...

I'm glad everyone's okay, and I'm sure this will be a story told for many years to come. I too cracked up at your choice of picture!!(LOL)It's obvious that Win and Luke are brothers because your description of Luke's action made me think, "Yeah, Win would do exactly the same thing." Men!!! ;-)

Ros said...

Although I'm sure it was very scary at the time.. all I could do while reading this post was laugh. It is hilarious to think of one of those meek little squirrels being so aggressive.. like a scene from a horror movie or something!!
But I have to say, in between laughing, as I read on, I started thinking rabies too.. do squirrels get it? I mean that is just so uncharacteristic for a squirrel.. and how did that dog know to back off like it did? Maybe it knew something that all the people who saw the squirrel didn't..

Stay safe now!

Olivia said...

A few words of wisdom from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory "Little girl don't touch that squirrels nuts!" Thats the first thing that Seth said after reading it. I have never heard of a squirrel doing that before! Praise the Lord everyone got in safely!!!!!

Ruthie said...

LOL...Good advise from
Mr. Wonka! :)

phillip jones said...

aloha ruthie,
just came across your blog because it seems we have some similar interest--including Wayne Teasdale whom I met (and his teacher Father Bede) before his passing.

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the site is

thanks and namaste,
