Saturday, August 27, 2005

Something Missing?

My children have been sick, I have been sick and my husband has been working a lot trying to get an entire school district's computer systems prepared for a new year of learning. My whole house is tired. I can see it sagging, drooping, ready for a nap. But first, the dishes, the laundry, the crying little one...oh, she's really hot. Where is the Motrin?

So, here I am at 11:59 p.m. sitting at the computer writing out a post just to say, I am really weak on my own. I admit it. I am weak. I need this: "grace." Though they are miserable, we all need times like this to remind us of our frailty and the strength of a God who knows we are weak. I don't know everything about God. In fact, to be honest, I have a lot of questions. But I do know this: I need to know my Creator. My spirit yearns for my Maker, the living God.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

My Spirit yearns for Him, too. There is a hunger deep inside of us, and a place we long to fill. It is good to know He has created a way for us to bridge the chasm! Here's a thought I had recently while doing a study, my definition of faith: Faith is trusting what my heart already knows is true. This God-hunger I feel is really just a sign that He wants me to find Him - He has created a place inside of me for Himself. My job is to trust when He reveals Himself that He is who He says He is. It is a comfortable place to rest!